Monthly Archives: September 2008

The Bastardization of… Yogurt?!

i spent a lot of time watching TV during my time off. and it has been bothering me for months. it subsided for a while, but has come back full-swing with the latest installment. yogurt commercials. but not just any yogurt, oh no. bastardized yogurt, that has been crammed full of "good stuff". my ass it is. why not just eat a bran muffin with your yogurt in the morning and have fish for dinner? why cram all that stuff into one tiny thing of yogurt?! all that damn "prebiotic" and "probiotic" and "DHA"… remember when yogurt was just yogurt? it was a nice and fruity, healthy source of calcium. but now? now its supposed to regulate bowel movements? help develop brain growth?! come on! it was bad enough when they made that stupid Yop yogurt drink. who wants to drink yogurt anyways. let alone bran muffin and fish filled yogurt. i miss the simple times.
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Posted by on September 11, 2008 in Uncategorized


Death in the Digital Age

as i sat today in my first english class in almost five years i realized something. i sat there trying to write by hand, and it was so unfamiliar. in today’s modern age, everything is done through technology. well except for the odd birthday card or the ol’ john hancock on a credit card receipt. but other than that, hand writing is becoming a lost art. these days in high school, and post-secondary all assignments are to be handed in type-written. letters are sent in the form of emails, and even notes once scriblled on scraps of paper and handed over from hand to hand have been replaced by a quick text via cell phone. even note-taking in class has been replaced by the clatter of a laptop, which is becoming more and more common. it saddened me to think about this
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Posted by on September 11, 2008 in Uncategorized