Category Archives: Hipster Round-Up


And now for a new segment called Hipster Round-Up.Everyone once in a while, whenever I feel like it (in keeping things hipster) I will post about fun & interesting hipster sightings! Mostly centralized in the Toronto area, more specifically Parkdale.

Along Queen Street today, we had many a hipster sighting, it being a Saturday and Parkdale being overrun with them. Were they out antiquing? Getting ice cream? Out & about because there is something secretly ironic about it and non-hipsters have no idea what it is but when hipsters see other hipsters walking along they nod their hats because they re in the know?!

Top 3 hipster sightings for today:

  1. Hipster with a pierced nose and his baby blue plaid shirt unbuttoned… all the way down his belly button.
  2. A group of three hipsters walked by Grand Electric and considered going in, “hey, come on guys, let’s check it out”, man were they in for a surprise. Grand Electric on a Saturday evening an hour after opening when the weather is nice? The fact that the windows had been opened so that the window seat could be a (very uncomfortable looking) seat says something… I laughed quietly to myself. Ahahahaha.
  3. I forget

Soon I will not be a giant chicken and I will photo-document these hipsters with my camera phone, in keeping with the theme.

Ah, I got a story for 3.) 250lb shirtless guy riding a moped downtown. Not hipster, but still worth mentioning.

And now a temp image, because I like when my stories are illustrated:

thanks google!


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