Monthly Archives: December 2005

the story of the magical Thurs that was

started off quite crappy i must say. it only got good when i ventured off in search of my beloved chocolate snowflake donut. the lady accidentally gave me a boston cream and when i went back, she let me keep it. i got a free donut! and she was laughing that i was going to get really sugarhigh off it and i told her my story about how obsessed i am with them and how i been eating as many as possible since last year.
and then to add to the fun… my sister was doing her math homework, and lo and behold in her textbook… MY ALPHABET PEOPLE FROM WHEN I WAS IN GR. 11 MATH 3 YEARS AGO! they live on! basically me and my friend got really frustrated with math and started drawing the whole alphabet as people, upper AND lowercase, all over my study sheet and some in the textbook. *shakes head* OMG. and it didn’t help that i couldn’t stop laughing either. *shrugs*… stupid math.
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Posted by on December 2, 2005 in Uncategorized


and it begins again…

oh the madness, the horrid horrid madness. the chocolate snowflake donut is back. and i had one yesterday. and i want one today. and tomorrow. OMG its last year all over again <flash back>… crap i am going to be so broke. yet its so worth it to eat one of those sweet, sweet donuts. i will never forget the first time i tried one. Mike came to visit and we were headed off to the ROM and it was freeeeeezing cold outside. and they just would not shut up about how cold they were. we passed by a Tim Horton’s so we went in. i noticed that the new donut of the month was chocolate snowflake. me being the donut-addict that i am, having a hobby at the time to always eat the donut of the month and try and try them all… i went for it. and damn was it good. i mean, i never had something so good. the creme in the middle was like that of a Krispy Kreme. but it was better. it was bigger and less greasy. and the icing on top with the little bit of chocolate shavings OMG. i want one now. it starts again. but this time the Tim Horton’s isn’t directly across from me while i type, so the temptation isn’t so easy to access. but nonetheless, i will feed my craving.

that’s all i could find *tear*… i will take a picture of one… eventually… someone will first have to buy me one though… or more than one, i can live with that

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Posted by on December 1, 2005 in Uncategorized


someone once told me i should be a writer

and i ask, not just myself, but the general readership: why?

why would anyone in their right mind, think that i should be a writer?? i am very confused by this.

a sample of my writing:

gr. 10 english essay on Macbeth: "they skewered his head on a stick and waved it around happily"

gr.11 history essay on why great civilizations rise and fall: "a great
civilization is like a sock, eventually you wear a hole in the toe and
have to replace it"

gr.12 philosophy essay on utopias: "there is no such thing as a utopia, there is Fruitopia but my essays not about that"

last year in my blog: "being in love is like allergy relief…"

anyone out there still think i should become a writer? i assume that’s
a resounding no? i have yet to write anything of such this (school)
year though. there is still hope though.

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Posted by on December 1, 2005 in Uncategorized