Well That Worked Out Splendidly

20 Jul

Best gay bar in the city was recently revoted. Now it was Woody’s over on Church St. Our schedules this week were not forgiving, so we opted for a few night caps instead of going out for dinner. As has now become tradition, we started the night out at Bar Volo. Only our world had changed (for the better). Pokemon Go was finally in Canada!!! The whole walk there were hunted and we collected. Bar Volo just so happens to sit on a corner, within range of two pokestops. They both happened to have lures on them while we were there. Brent had finished his drink and said he’d be getting another, I looked at him confused. I thought we were only having one drink? Turns out I was so immersed in Pokemon Go that I had (shocker!) forgotten all about my Revel Cider with hibiscus. At this point I have plowed through all of Bar Volo’s ciders, hibiscus beers and the one sour beer I would have gotten (lime and cucumber, so good) was gone. How can I complain though, the hibiscus cider is amazing.

Woody’s was also conveniently between two pokestops, which were also lured. I was starting to think that it was a thing in Toronto, to go to a bar near a pokestop or two, set a lure and collect items every 5 minutes. Woody’s was great. It is a huge space with five bars throughout the venue. The bartender also had a great sense of humour, warning me that the rum in my diet rum & coke was not diet. It made me laugh and it made my night. The bar was pretty quiet, it was a Tuesday night after all. Which makes it my kind of bar, if you remember my review of Two Cats Lounge, I loved the fact that we were the only ones in there. It was also not even 11pm yet.

On the way home we stopped at McDonald’s and what do you know, there was a lured pokestop nearby! We had been to that one the night before. All it attracted were Drowzees, I got so many Drowzees from that McDonald’s.


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