i have been appeased

25 Nov
it snowed. a good amount i ‘spose. i am content because it looked like a snowglobe last night. and this morning the snow was still there… not as ice. and it was crunchy beneath my feet. i even lay down in the snow yesterday, but that only lasted a few seconds because my ass was getting wet on account of my jacket didn’t cover it. wonderful.
and in other news: i didn’t even have to go on my hunger strike. my clementine cravings have (for now) been curbed. with real Moroccan clementines (although not Maroc ones, those are THE BEST). oddly enough, i even found clementines in Wal-Mart(!!) although they were from Spain, pfft. not as bad as ones from the US, as they are now called: crapmentines.
1 Comment

Posted by on November 25, 2005 in Snow Update


One response to “i have been appeased

  1. Marianne

    November 28, 2005 at 10:52 pm

    mmmmmmmmm clementines… I just ate one 🙂


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