Can’t Say No To That Plan

08 Jul

What plan was it I couldn’t say no to? Walking to Dufferin Mall = exercise and an excuse to stop at Baker Bots for an ice cream sandwich (aka still the best one in the city, no matter what you say, better than Bang Bang!). From there dipping south to Brazil Bakery for the best custard tart in the city… meaning we got to walk back home via anything-but-Bloor. It was the perfect plan. All the moreso given how long it took us to get out of the house, because the bakery is open until midnight.

On the way we passed by a bar advertising two delicious sounding beers: a blueberry sour and a grape vidal sour. We pondered it as we walked to the bakery. How could we say no to that? It was settled. We would stop and have a break, seeing as we were so fast at Dufferin Mall we didn’t really get a break. While we were sitting at The Mutt, resting our barking dogs, we perused the menu. There was a plum sour that just sounded amazing. In fact I took so long drinking my blueberry sour, even with Brent taking the last quarter, that he had time to order the plum sour which was the clear winner of the three.

The custard tart was good. Can’t really go wrong with one. The tart part was a bit tough and chewy but the filling was good. This story turned out to be more about the beer than the tart.

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Posted by on July 8, 2018 in Fooding, Uncategorized


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